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11 Health Benefits of Guava Fruit

11 Health Benefits of Guava Fruit

What is Guava Fruit


Guava is one of the most healthy tropical fruits. Its widely accepted as a natural health-booster as it is rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. Guava is an essential ingredient for the healthy recipes and mostly used in nutritious drinks, smoothies and desserts. The health benefits of guava fruit are so numerous they should be an essential part of your daily diet.

The Guava fruit is rich in vitamins A, B and C. Its original name is Psidium guajava. It has a sweet taste and it is low in calories. It is mainly produced in the South and Central America. As it is very rich in fibers, Guava can be used as a treatment for gastrointestinal problems.

Nutritional Content of Guava Fruit

Ingredients of Guava Fruit

This nutritious tropical fruit contains more Vitamin C than and orange; it is also rich in proteins, carbohydrates and fats as well. The beta-carotene in guava is very essential for vision, bones and the immune system of your body.

Guava is also rich in minerals, like potassium which is very important for the muscular and nervous system. Besides, the fiber it has; helps intestinal flow and regulates your urinary system. It has very small caloric index which is similar to the apple.

11 Health Benefits of Guava Fruit

The benefits of guava are incalculable thanks to its essential ingredients. It is not only a delicious food, but also a nutritionally valuable fruit that helps prevent wide-variety of diseases. The main health benefits of guava are:

1. It is Antioxidane

Guava contains antioxidants, which lowers the pace of the aging of cells when combined with vitamin C. It helps body fight against harmful free radicals and empowers the immune system of the body against various types of cancer.  It facilitates the absorption of iron in the diet, thus helping to avoid or treat anemia when consumed together with the foods rich in iron. So it is very important to incorporate this valuable antioxidane fruit in to your daily diet.

2. Vitamin C (More Than Orange)

This is undoubtedly one of its greatest benefits, since this fruit contains more vitamin C than orange. As the body is unable to produce this important vitamin, the consumption of this fruit becomes necessary. This vitamin is essential, since it facilitates the production of collagen, red blood cells and protecting the bone system. Besides, it helps the body to become less vulnerable to various types of infections by supporting the immune system.

3. Help control Cholestorol Levels

The vitamin and mineral ingredients of guava are very important to help balance cholesterol values at an optimal level. This fruit not only lowers bad cholesterol levels, it also helps increase good cholesterol levels thanks to the fact that it is rich in fiber. Guava is rich in soluble fibers such as pectin and rich in vitamin C. Soluble fibers facilitate the elimination of cholesterol through the feces, by reducing the absorption, its amount in the blood is reduced and favoring its excretion in the bile.

4. Good for Your Heart

As your heart is the most important organ of your body,you should well take care of it. Guava fruit is rich in arjunolic acid, which is used as a treatment for blood clotting problems, cardiac arrhythmia, and to lower blood pressure. Regular intake of Guava Fruit is very beneficial for your cardiovascular system.

5. Low Sugar Level is Good for Diabetics

The consumption of guava represents a great food option for people suffering from diabetes.Because it is very low in sugars, which helps keep the glycemic index at a proper level. It is one of the most important characteristics of the guava fruit when it comes to controlling diabetes.

6. Natural Antibiotic

As it has antiseptic characteristics; drinking guava leaf tea serves as a natural antibiotic. Within traditional medicine, the infusion of the leaves of this plant is highly appreciated. It is used as a treatment for wounds and injuries, since its ingredients are anesthetic and also antibacterial.

7. Good For Oral Health Care

Chewing the leaves of the guava tree is recommended to counteract bad breath problems and for maintaining a good oral health-care. The antiseptic and analgesic properties of this fruit helps eliminate bad bacteria and soothe acute pain in the teeth. Thus becoming a natural remedy that provides good oral health.

8. Relieves Intestinal problems

Guava has astringent, antispasmodic and antimicrobial ingredients, which help soothe diarrhea (acute or chronic), abdominal pain and the possible microorganisms that cause it. Besides, it can also help treat gastroenteritis and infantile dysentery.

These antidiarrheal properties are due to its high tannin content, and should be avoided by those who have constipation.

9. Prevents Several Types of Anemia

Guava is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to preventing and curing anemia with the contribution of vitamin C. This essential vitamin allows a better absorption of the iron found in some foods. It is very helpful to prevent several types of anemia such as iron deficiency anemia.

10. Good for Skin Health

Eating red or pink guava is excellent for the skin, because it is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps maintain skin health and prevent cell aging.Vitamin C is beneficial and necessary for the human body for improving collagen production. This is essential to have firm, elastic and very beautiful skin. This fruit contains multiple vitamins that accelerate wound healing, which significantly improves the beauty of the skin.

11. It Promotes Weight Loss

Each guava has about 54 calories on average, and can be consumed in any diet to lose weight as a dessert or snack. Since it is rich in pectin, a type of fiber that promotes the feeling of satiety, naturally suppress the feeling of hunger. Many people consume guava to lose weight, as it is a fruit with a lot of water content. In addition, it is rich in fiber, which facilitates better intestinal circulation and prevents fluid retention.

How to Consume Guava

Guava can be consumed as a fruit, as juice and smoothie, jam, in ice cream and guava candy.It is also possible to consume it as a tea with the guava leaves. The recommended portion to consume is less than 150 grams daily.

See some healthy recipes with guava below:

1. Guava juice recipe

 Guava Juice recipe
Guava Juice recipe


  • 2 guavas;
  • 1 tablespoon of mint;
  • 1/2 liter of water.


Peel the guavas and blend them with the rest of the ingredients. This juice can be taken for diarrhea 2 times a day.

2. Guava tea recipe

Guava Tea Recipe
Guava Tea Recipe


  • 15 g of guava leaves;
  • 1/2 liter of water.


Boil the water and add the leaves, cover and let it rest for 3 to 5 minutes. Strain and drink 2 to 3 times a day. This tea can be used to perform a sitz bath to treat vaginal infections caused by Trichomoniasis and Candidiasis, due to its antimicrobial properties.

What are the side effects of guava?

What are the side effects of guava?

Although the benefits are greater than the disadvantages of guava, it is advised to be careful when consuming it. Some of the side-effects of guava are:

  1. Eating excessive amounts of guava fruit is not recommended, as it has laxative effects. This could become a serious problem if it is not intervened in time.
  2. People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome should consume guava only under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. Consuming this fruit before ripening can cause tooth pain.
  4. You should never eat this fruit without washing properly, as it can cause infections.
  5. Women in gestation periods should not ingest supplements made from this fruit. It is advisable to eat the guava in its natural state.
  6. Guava leaf tea can be dangerous if taken too often.